
Hello, I’m Sarah and you’re welcome to my site! I started this site as a way to keep family and friends updated on my trips and humanitarian work with vulnerable groups and my efforts in the anti-trafficking field and it has evolved over time.

One of my passions is to create awareness and sensitise people to the pains and/or injustice matters that they often overlook. I like to have the difficult and painful conversations so that we can rightly address matters of injustice, no more sweeping them under the rug. We have a duty as humans to leave this earth better than we left it and in my own way, I am fulfilling that duty. I love to travel and explore the world and am thankful that I am able to couple that with my work. I am a consultant on anti-trafficking issues, a cultural mediator, a writer, and in recent years, a researcher.

Hope you enjoy reading my posts, so head over to the posts page already! Just click here 🙂

Prize Derine

I won the 2022 Prize Derine! My colleague, Océane and I each won the prize! The Raymond Derine Fund was established in 1992 to encourage research and studies that aim at greater justice in society, it encourages research and studies aimed at achieving greater justice in society. Below is the video of the award ceremony during which we each presented our research.

Our Doctoral Journey

Alongside 24 wonderful Black women, I co-authored a book  titled ‘Our doctoral journey’  in which we discuss our experiences as Black women during our individual doctoral journeys! It is available at this link on Amazon and in other stores!