About Me

Hello again!

I see that you would like to know some more about me, huh? Who wouldn’t? 🙂

I am from Nigeria and I have been travelling the world for a while now. It has been amazing to see parts of the world that I had never even heard of in school or on the news, and I often find myself craving food from some of those places! How I would love to sit with my friends and have a proper Tongan, Sunday lunch right now…hmmmmmmmmm!

Ok, back to the page! I have worked with different groups of vulnerable people for almost half of my life, and that is part of what led me to academia, but that is a conversation for another day!

I studied counselling psychology and peacebuilding for my first and second degrees, and I am currently wrapping up my PhD research on the convoluted experiences of young Nigerian victims of trafficking along their migration trajectories.

Over the last decade, my education, curiousity and work have taken me to over 40 countries on five continents, and the journey continues :). Travelling and working cross-culturally helped me to see more clearly some of the injustices in our society, how they transcend barriers, how we can address them, and how much work we still have to do. In 2018, alongside a solid team of passionate people, I founded a non-profit organization called CoCreate and we are tackling the effects of human trafficking on society by focusing on the aftercare aspect. Through training and a program that focuses on holistic wellbeing, we aim to create a system that assists survivors in thriving and empowers caregivers and institutions in a sustainable way.

So, I’m playing my part in hopefully leaving the world better than I met it… no matter how small my part is.

Hope you enjoy visiting my site!